A heartful thanks goes to where the idea was initiated by Denise Nahley, Apparently she said out loud, “WAHHI should get involved in this opportunity to market our name for free, connect with other community organizations, and earn funding to support our Charities”. Denise did all the preparation of what we needed, obtained support from the Board & Council and gathered up the supplies. Kudos to Denise!
A special thanks to all the cooks, who accepted the assignment of taking someone’s recipe, struggled to sometimes find all the required ingredients and to deliver it without a hitch. Cindy, Linda A., and Darla, you were so kind to make a batch of chili even though you had other obligations to include going out of town and family in town. Sheryl and Jane, thank you for making chili and also taking a shift at the event. To Sandee and Betty thank you for taking a shift and bringing the condiments that complemented our wonderful white bean chicken chili
A heartful thanks to Lynn Guidos, WAHHI member who was recruited by Jane to help in the afternoon shift. Our husbands Marty (Jane’s), Bud (Sheryl) and Mark (I claim him!), who helped set up, serve, clean up and provided much support. A special Kudo’s to my Mark who made two batches of the chili, warmed up the chili and stayed the full shift.
In all honesty, the event was successful because of our networking with our members. Ambassadors spread the word, members spread the word to their friends and we ended up with 1st Place in the Popular Vote and have $2,500 to give to a Charity of our choice.
It was an honor to serve as Chili Captain for WAHHI in the 38th Kiwanis Chili Cook-Out!
Marie Bremmer